Thursday, April 18, 2013

White people should be allowed his home in the Pacific Northwest?

Written By Admin; About: White people should be allowed his home in the Pacific Northwest? on Thursday, April 18, 2013 ® White people should be allowed his home in the Pacific Northwest?

Uncertainty courtesy of -doozer-: Should white people be allowed to have their own homeland in the Pacific Northwest?

If you google “Northwest Migration” you will notice various groups plan to do this.

This will be just about Should white people be allowed to have their own homeland in the Pacific Northwest? you may prefer to fix concerns them selves. With luck , this will help to in lots of ways… which will create everything considerably better. Desiring just about Should white people be allowed to have their own homeland in the Pacific Northwest? may very well be the very best for a long time.
Best solution:

Answer by sieg6529
Kinda already like that. Any white migration would change the demographics from 98% white to 99% white.

Answer by boogielips
Sure buy you an island and have at it.

Answer by Woolly Mammoth

Answer by Cryst
Yeah, if they wish to do so and if they can pull their resources together and form their own community, if they so wish. So can black people, or asians, or arabs, or any other race.. if they so hate living with other races then whatever, let them do their thing so long as they still follow the laws of the state.

Answer by mmm-kay
we tried segregation once,it didnt work

Answer by jawboneofass
This is still America, land of the free. Any race can invest in any property they want.

Answer by Comrade Otto
White people have a homeland, in fact a home continent. Its called Europe.

Answer by Sophie
Somewhere. Why can’t WE have a homeland? I’d like Eastern Europe if they’ll promise to keep the interests of white gentiles as their number one priority. Why are white gentiles considered subhumans in this world?

@Cryst: We already did that, years of work and millions of dead defending our land ending up with beautiful safe first-wordl countries — and then vile Leftist “whites” said hey, you’re evil unless you do this multicultural thing. Now we have nonwhites parading down our streets telling us how evil we are for inviting them in.

Be sure much better?

Leave your very own answer for the comments!

White people should be allowed his home in the Pacific Northwest?