Wednesday, April 17, 2013

The psychosis and obsession?

Written By Admin; About: The psychosis and obsession? on Wednesday, April 17, 2013 ® The psychosis and obsession?

Doubt written by Nathan: Why does there seem to be an abundant obsession with psychopathy?

Type into google “am i a” and both socio, and psychopath show up.

Or to put a philosophical spin on it: Does our society see the psychopath as the ubermensch (the higher man)?

It’s kind of funny, everybody hates that sadomasochist Mao, but nobody ever likes to admit that they wish they were him. A look at our media and it’s hard to think contrary.

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Most practical answer:

Answer by seagreen
Well just look at popular culture’s obsession with serial killers. Silence of the Lambs, Helter Skelter, Zodiac, Dexter, and any number of slasher film franchises. Hollywood’s favorite serial murderers have become how many people view sociopaths, period.

Sociopaths are fascinating because it is difficult to really get into their heads. People love to casually diagnose one another as such (especially on Y!A) but they aren’t that common. Cold, calculating, manipulative, sometimes very charismatic, and utterly unsympathetic, like a shark. I think that other than the obvious enjoyable thrill of being scared by gruesome stories of famous psycho-and sociopaths, we may envy them for their easy detachment from society. They don’t *care* about consequences not directly related to themselves. They don’t mourn their casualties or any feelings they may bruise along the way. They get what they want, by hook or by crook. I think we read about and watch the film likenesses of these people in awe as well as fear.

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The psychosis and obsession?