Thursday, January 31, 2013

This Victorian Mustache Spoon Is Your Nose Neighbor's Best Friend

Written By Admin; About: This Victorian Mustache Spoon Is Your Nose Neighbor's Best Friend on Thursday, January 31, 2013

This Victorian Mustache Spoon Is Your Nose Neighbor's Best FriendWith the trends of today's disaffected youth being what they are, mustaches have gained an unfortunate affiliation with hipsterdom and the ironic ramifications that follow This gloriously dignified mustache spoon, however, is a reminder that there was actually a time when your mustache was a symbol of honor. When your mustache was your manhood.

With such a high level of prestige attributed to the Victorian man's lady-tickler, measures naturally had to be taken to protect his beloved nose neighbor. This is where this holy of facial hair holies comes in. This incredible piece of craftsmanship had a perfectly placed, mustache-shaped cutout to protect a man's pride and joy from all sorts of offending soups, stews, and otherwise 'stache-staining dishes. The spoons are apparently difficult to find now, but if you do come across one, please, keep it from ironic eyes. They'll just turn it into a 'stache spork. [Neatorama]