Wednesday, January 30, 2013

RIM Is Dead, Long Live BlackBerry

Written By Admin; About: RIM Is Dead, Long Live BlackBerry on Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Leslie Horn and Brian Barrett

RIM Is Dead, Long Live BlackBerryStarting today, RIM is rebranding itself as BlackBerry. With the official name change, you can say so long to all your RIM-related innuendo.

The change coincides with the unveiling of RIM's BlackBerry 10 operating system, the company's last shot at relevance in an age when it's been overwhelmed by the likes of iOS and Android. The new operating system—and the shiny new Z10 and Q10 hardware that goes with it—represent the biggest overhaul in RIM's history. It's a skin-shedding of the highest order. And it's about time.

What might be most surprising is that the name change took this long in the first place. While Research in Motion started out as just that—a research company, focused on wireless data—it's been a smartphone and mobile services company for as long as most people can remember. For all intents and purposes, it's already been BlackBerry for years.