Thursday, February 28, 2013

This Is a Totally Free Coffeemaker For Trying Out Bougie Coffee

Written By Admin; About: This Is a Totally Free Coffeemaker For Trying Out Bougie Coffee on Thursday, February 28, 2013

This Is a Totally Free Coffeemaker For Trying Out Bougie CoffeeThe Hario V60 is the coffeemaker you've seen at all manner of hipster coffeeshops. Although it's easy to be intimidated by its coffee credentials, once you get the hang of using it, it's a great way to make daily coffee. It's simple. It takes two minutes. It reliably and consistently makes a good cup of pourover coffee. Here's how you use it.

Right now, coffee purveyor and friend-of-Gizmodo Tonx is offering a free plastic V60 coffee dripper and coffee sample when you sign up to try out their roasting and delivery service. The same V60 is selling for $8.50 on Amazon. The idea is that you'll come for the free V60 and stay for for the (delicious) delivery coffee, so a credit card is required for this freebie. But if you cancel before the first billing, it is free. It's a no-brainer, because both good coffee and free stuff are the best. [Tonx via Wirecutter]

Note: Tonx isn't offering the V60 on its front page; you have to go through a referral. So we've helpfully provided former Giz intern Michael Zhou's link. If you want to use someone else's, there's a lot to choose from on Twitter.