Friday, April 12, 2013

You ASAP to head a way to grow!

Written By Admin; About: You ASAP to head a way to grow! on Friday, April 12, 2013 ® You ASAP to head a way to grow!

Topic made by JNaroh: How to grow you hair ASAP!?

A prankster friend of mine friggin cut my hair, half the length it was before. We’re having our LAST prom, and I need it to be the longest it can be for that.

What should I do, and how many centimeters long will my hair gain then in two months?

Please I really need your help guys, I’ve been planning a perfect prom since I was 6, and my “Fairytale” includes long and curly hair.

Pretty Please be specific with your answers, and not be like the B***h that answered “google.”

This is guidance on How to grow you hair ASAP!? that you can really need to clear up issues with their. I hope this assists in lots of ways: may create your own life better. Wishing guidance on How to grow you hair ASAP!? is likely to be the most efficient in time.

Answer by precious pearl7
do 75 strokes morning and night.

keep your hair(head) cool so you dont get split ends

do lots of oil

massage it with your hand

do it in circle motion#

also when your having a shower after you do your conditioner brush it with your comb!

never brush your hair when its wet!

these are the best tips and you will probably gain 2-4 cm hair!

Answer by StarryEyed
I’d say just look after your hair!, Eat healthy and get all the vitamins and minerals so your hair stays in a healthy condition (the more healthy your hair and body, it will promote hair growth), Also massaging your head apparently helps hair growth, i don’t no if it works but worth a try ey!. Your hair will grow quite a bit in 2 months, Make sure you get it trimmed from now until then, not much just like a cm off the ends so your hair stays healthy, If it’s not as long as you want it to be … say a week or 2 before your prom, you could also buy some clip in hair extensions  . My sister for her prom wanted long curly hair and her hair wasn’t the length she wanted it, so she brought some clip in hair extensions and curled them  They looked nice. But all i can say is make sure you look after your hair to promote hair growth, Take vitamins, eat fruit and veg drink PLENTY of water, When you have a shower wash your hair in cold water, try not to wash your hair everyday, Don’t use heat on your hair all the time, Put conditioner in your hair and leave it for a hour or even over night to put moisture into your hair, I also heard mayonnaise is even better than conditioner,  .

Answer by Rachel
I heard that dandruff control shampoo works. I recently got a pixie cut and I want to grow it out too. So that’s what I’m trying. Or you can get extensions maybe. That might be the best way to go.

Answer by Danielle
the last thing you want to do is brush your hair because that just rips out your hair. so don’t brush your hair 75 times because that is only pulling out your hair follicles. Some websites will say use horse shampoo but DONT because that makes your hair really nasty and dry. try to use very little heating products because even if you have heating protectant your hair will still be damaged. try to just wear your hair in braids or scrunch it. some ways to stimulate your hair follicles are to:

flip your hair upside down for about 5 minutes everyday

massage your scalp

put your head under hot water and massage your scalp

Use a deep conditioner at least once a month and do hair masks every week or so

DIY hair mask 1: The onion mask

Take one onion and mince it. Apply the onion pulp to the roots of your hair and wear a shower cap over it. Leave on for an hour then wash out carefully. Repeat once a week. You should see a difference in 2-3 months.

DIY hair mask 2: Egg and oil mask

Super nourishing and shine enhancing, this DIY hair mask works a treat. Mix 1 egg yolk, 1 small spoon of olive oil, 1 small spoon of castor oil and 1 small spoon of aloe juice into a smooth paste. Apply to the hair of your roots and pop on a shower cap. Leave it on for at least 45 minutes then wash and rinse off with tepid water.

DIY hair mask 3: The pepper mask

Who knew pepper was more than a seasoning? Make a pepper tincture by boiling two tablespoons of black peppercorns in a cup of water on the stove for 20 minutes. Strain and bottle the liquid. Mix a teaspoon of the pepper tincture with one teaspoon of warm castor oil, and a teaspoon of your regular conditioner. Apply to the roots of your hair and leave on for an hour or two before washing off.

Whatever mask you choose it’s important to remember to make sure it’s massage well into the roots of your hair. Wearing the shower cap keeps your scalp warm and allows the mixture to penetrate more.

those masks are supposed to help your hair grow longer there are probably lots more that you can find if you dont have the right ingredients

make sure you have a healthy diet and drink lots of water and exercise frequently to stay healthy

the vitamin biotin is supposed to help hair growth my sister uses its a pill it has no side effects and her hair has gotten longer in the past couple months

dont wash your hair everyday because the oils help it grow faster. i’m assuming you are in school right now and you probably want to wash your hair everyday because who wants greasy hair so maybe you can skip one wash during the week and not wash your hair during the weekend at all this is probably one of the biggest things that helps your hair grow faster(you can still shower just wear a shower cap and dont get your hair wet)

Unfortunately the fastest way to grow your hair is time:( but if your hair isnt where you want it to be by prom there are always extensions but those can be pricey. i hope i helped

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You ASAP to head a way to grow!